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The North Star

“We need that North Star and actually, I think most people have one. It represents something really strong and stable and permanent in our lives.”

David Gardner

Sketch of North Star pendant design by David Gardner

The day began on the exquisite and peaceful veranda where the sunlight was sneaking through the shades.

Instrumental guitar music played above the sound of dogs barking and neighbors on their morning jog. The crisp, cool air brought fresh inspiration to an idea that had been bouncing around the edges of David’s imagination. It was here that the significance of the North Star burst onto the pages of his journal.

Everyone remembers the carefree childhood experience of lying in the grass, gazing up at the stars, expanding our thoughts, our margins and our imagination. Surely tempting us to dream a bit. Visions of the well-known constellations came to mind, but on this day, the North Star captured his attention.

Captivated by the message and meaning of the North Star – permanence, constancy, stability – he was even more intrigued. Reading more, he was drawn into the scenario of imagining being in the middle of the ocean with howling waves and wind, finding only the North Star as the navigation to safety.

Woman wearing North Star pendant on gold chain.

“It just made me think of all the storms that we have in our life. And sometimes when we just can’t see land… it’s overwhelming. It’s scary,” says Gardner. “We all have a North Star that we look to for stability, for purpose, for truth. For me, it’s always God and God’s Word. It is where I receive comfort, stability, purpose, acceptance and love. For other people, that might be someone or something else.”

Taking his pencil and journal, the sketching flowed into what became David Gardner’s North Star pendant. A simple and subtle star design with fluid curves and three dimensional ‘ups and downs’ swooping from wide to narrow. An intentionally off-set east and west with a dominant north and south orientation.

notebook image for north starnotebook image for north star

“My goal was to make it subtle, simple and beautiful…easy on the eye. It doesn’t need to be obvious that it is a North Star,” Gardner adds. “The wearer can decide whether to share the behind-the-scenes, symbolic origin and meaning, but my hope is as they wear it, they will be reminded of their own North Star.”